Kinstrech for Extremities – 6 month Subscription


Includes Kinstretch for Extremities video and added bonus video: morning routine with self-assessment

Are you one of those unlucky enough to suffer from bunyons on the big toe? Or perhaps you get out of bed every morning only to feel searing pain on the bottom of the foot. In this Kinstretch class we focus on the toes, ankles, fingers and wrists. The extremities are the foundation of movement and first link in feedback to the external world. Kinstretch will improve your range and help you understand why you do not have a functional big toe.

Kinstretch is defined as a movement enhancement system that develops maximum body control, flexibility and USABLE ranges of motion.

Kinstretch is about giving you VARIABILITY IN MOVEMENT. That is more options to be efficient, fast, powerful, and most importantly safe.